
                  云南电信测- 爬墙专用加速器

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                  云南电信测- 爬墙专用加速器

                  A multi-ethnic group of medical staff are indoors in a hospital. They are wearing medical clothing. They are sitting at a table and writing reports together. A Caucasian female doctor is turned to smile at the camera.

                  云南电信测- 爬墙专用加速器

                  Senior patients at the hospital paying a visit to the doctor - healthcare and medicine concepts

                  云南电信测- 爬墙专用加速器

                  What is Southeastern Health Partners?

                  Southeastern Health Partners is an clinically integrated network (CIN) formed as a joint venture between AnMed Health, Bon Secours St. Francis and Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System.

                  What's a clinically integrated network (CIN)?

                  • A clinically integrated network (CIN) is a group of doctors and other healthcare providers who agree to work together to give you the best possible care.
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                  • Working together, your doctors and their care teams can do more to monitor your health, make sure you receive the highest quality care. They may hire additional staff to help meet your unique care needs, depending on what works best for you.

                  How do CINs coordinate patient care?

                  • CINs may take different approaches to giving you coordinated care. Some CINs may have additional clinical personnel, who are members of your doctor’s care team, that help you set up appointments or make sure your medications are in order when you enter or leave a hospital. Other CINs may help your doctors get you equipment for monitoring your medical conditions better at home, if you need it.
                  • Most CINs use advanced systems that let them more carefully coordinate your care and ensure your doctor has the most up-to-date information about your health.
                  See all of our frequently asked questions
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